Arnaoon through the eyes of Dora and Majid

It was love at first sight…
Arnaoon was a virgin pristine Lebanese village where we felt all our dreams belonged. Our long search was crowned with a beautiful breath-taking location that captured us with its simplicity and authenticity, a place where we built our dreams and vowed to make other dreams come true.
One step, one stone, one flower at time we crafted our own real village. Like our children, this dream kept growing from inside us and became a reality day after day, year after year.
It was a long journey but a fruitful one. We look back at all our achievements with awe and more inspiration to come. We are grateful for this place, we are grateful to call this village our home, we are proud to call Arnanoon our village, but more importantly everyone’s village.

Arnaoon, the village where the breeze caresses all its beauty, and blows through it its unique soul and authentic identity. A place where kind-hearted and joyous people come together.

A place where Lebanese values come alive with traditions and culture, a place that is rare, one like no other. Our mission from day one was to protect and revive our Lebanese heritage, and we pride ourselves in having preserved this in every corner around our village. A walk through Arnaoon and you are embraced with unconditional love, happiness, and sublime beauty. We couldn’t have imagined a more ideal place to call our home… everyone’s home!”
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